If we go by dictionary meaning, an introvert is a person who is shy or reticent. In other words, an introvert is that person who sits in a corner or does not indulge much in a conversation. In much simpler terms, they are those people who other people think of as weirdoes.
Extroverts often have problems dealing with introverts. They cannot quite imagine as to why someone would ‘like’ to be alone and quite. There are not a lot of people that understand introverts and honestly, only introverts seem to get other introverts.
Here are 12 problems that an introvert goes through and if you connect to them, you are definitely one!
1) Introvert Problem: Alone time is not boring
It puzzles you as to how a person can be bored of being alone, because you are so content with your own company. Introverts are experts at being all alone by themselves. Yes, people keep judging, and pitying comes naturally. But honestly, it is not a bad thing to sympathize about. Introverts are very comfortable with spending time alone. It is like a necessary me-time. Without taking out time for yourself often seems suffocating sometimes. Even a short walk alone with some music does the magic. Eating out or going for a movie alone is not a problem for introverts.
2) Introvert Problem: Thinking million times before speaking up
You think a thousand times before you speak. The words seem to take time to travel from your stomach to your tongue. Analyzing every aspect of the topic is necessary for you before saying anything. You cannot just blurt something out without making sure that you have a logical explanation for what you’re about to say. It is somewhat a little overthinking but you cannot help but overthink. As a result, you have more conversations in your head than you do in real life. It is frustrating sometimes, but that is the way how it is.
3) Introvert Problem: Socializing is not your cup of tea
Having guests over at your house is no less than a nightmare. You become paranoid that they are never going to leave even though they have been there for only about ten minutes. Moreover, being with them or giving them company all the time seems like a lot of work for you. Most of the time you have to fake smile or make small talks. All of it makes you feel exhausting, yet that is something you have to do because of formality and good etiquettes.
4) Introvert Problem: Not always a people-person
Being an introvert, makes you a good listener, in most cases. Unfortunately, that does not mean that an introvert will always be patient to hear other people’s every nitty-gritty of their lives. People who feel the need to share the minute details of their lives, irritate the hell out of you. Even though you sit there smiling, making them think that you are interested in their life, you are actually thinking about ways to kill them in the worst possible ways. Sometimes you are too sweet to tell them on their face that you are not in the mood to hear it.
5) Introvert Problem: Zoning in and out often
You daydream too much, sometimes. While talking to other people, you get bored or tired and go into your imaginary world. Zoning out of a conversation or in a conference is so terrible but is a commonly occurring event. The problem is, it happens too often. In the end, when you finally get back to the real world, you have no idea what the conversation was about. AWKWARD!
6) Introvert Problem: Repulsive to spotlights
You don’t like when too much attention is given to you. Such attention and spotlight throws you off the track. It confuses you as to how to handle the situation smartly. It makes you feel awkward and you start blabbering senseless things. Then comes stuttering and shivering, and finally numbness due to panic. So many introverts have hidden talents which they never want to share it with the world.
7) Introvert Problem: Working alone has more productivity
Teamwork is not meant for you. It is not that you do not want to work with other people, but they definitely slow down your pace of work. Coordinating with other people is a little exhausting. Also, teamwork means you need to talk to people, in proper constructive sentences. That seems like so much of work. Instead, working alone enables you to be more creative and productive in your own space.
8) Introvert Problem: Stay in alone than go partying
You wait for weekends to stay away from people, peacefully. The weekends that involve social obligations feels like so much work to you. While other people plan on partying out with friends during the weekend, you plan on staying in. You plan on doing things on your own than going out and socializing. Staying in watching a movie, binge-watching TV shows, drawing or playing your musical instrument, or maybe just sleeping all day is your definition of chilling. That is absolutely fine. Do not let people tell you otherwise and force you into socializing.
9) Introvert Problem: Shooing away salespeople
You send out telepathic death rays to pushy sales assistants, who try to intrude into your shopping experience. You are just like- ‘Just go away! I don’t need you!’
10) Introvert Problem: Text over calls
You want to cut all ties with human civilization, but still be on the internet world. When given the choice, texting always wins over taking a phone call. Introverts have often let their phones ring away intentionally and then texted back later saying the phone was on silent mode. People who call too often, not so close enough people, get on your nerves. It is hard to tell them on their faces that texting is your preferred choice of communication. So instead you are ready with your excuses. Introverts are more of the texting kind or just face-to-face kind.
11) Introvert Problem: Your thoughts belong to a different world
When people interrupt your thoughts, you get freakingly angry. The value of your own space is immensely greater than any other thing. You prioritize your space a lot which refills your energy to bear the burden of life. Whenever someone enters your definition of space, you become conscious and start moving away from the person. Introverts take time to make friends and trust them. With just acquaintances, an introvert is seen to be very quiet. With people they are close to, has a different kind of a picture. It will be right to say that an introvert is introverted for acquaintances and strangers, but is an extrovert with their kind of people.
12) Introvert Problem: Too many questions
People ask you ‘Are you okay?’ and ‘Why are you so quiet?’ million times a day.
If you are an introvert and do not know any other introverts, do not worry. We may be lonely, but we are never alone in that too. So cheers from the other side. Only an introvert can understand another introvert. So hold on, and do not lose hope and be upset over the fact that no one around you, really gets you. Introverts have existed and survived, along with extroverts since ages. So cheers to our uniqueness and our spectacular parallel universe!
Do let us know below if you are an introvert and there are any other problems you face as being an introvert. Take Care!
Source: https://www.icytales.com/12-problems-that-only-an-introvert-will-understand/