Admit it, we all have been through or are going through the teenager phase- the one in which the most ridiculous things occur! It’s that phase when we’re confused as to whether we’re kids or adults, that phase when we’re always curious to do some things and sometimes, we end up doing the most absurd of things that turn out to become memorable in the end. Here’s a list of things that we’ve all done as teenagers.
1. Putting Empty Things Into The Refrigerator
We’ve all been there and done that. As teenagers, we’re always preoccupied with various things in our mind. We mostly always only stick to thinking, not doing. We tend to become the most lethargic of people. Getting ourselves go to the refrigerator itself is a big task, let alone opening it and scanning for food. We find food, eat it up mostly right there, and leave empty packages right inside the refrigerator, be it a milk carton, a chocolate wrapper, or a biscuits’ package. We’re lazy to throw it away. Enough said.
Assume your curfew is at 7, and you’re out with a couple of your friends. It’s 7:01 and calls from your mother start storming in and they never end. 2155225622 missed calls later, you finally decide to pick up the phone and you get yelled at for being a minute late.
3. Crushes, Dating and Drama
We’ve all had that one girl or boy that give us butterflies in the stomach the moment we see them. They make it seem like the world has stopped, you see flowers all around you, and romantic music starts playing. Yes, that’s right. We’ve all had at least one crush at some point in our lives. Our hormones literally start pumping up and getting us excited for no apparent reason, getting us to blush at the mere sight of THE CRUSH. We’ve sometimes also been lucky enough to get into a relationship with the crush, and all the drama that follows. ADMIT IT.
4. Wardrobe Malfunctions
We’ve always had at least that one day when you unintentionally dress up really bad and end up looking almost as ridiculous as a clown. There are also some days when you don’t particularly want to spend time in dressing up so you just feel like putting on what ever your hands first reach. Yes, that can be disastrous, sometimes. Not to mention, embarrassing.
5. New Music Addictions
You suddenly start exploring into the vast world of music and you end up being completely mesmerized by the various bands and artists you listen to. It suddenly feels like music is almost your new-found soulmate, like the only thing that understands you. You also sometimes get yelled at by your neighbors or parents for blasting out loud music.
6. Talking to Strangers, Online or Offline
Remember how our parents asked us not to talk to strangers? Nope, we don’t remember, or we’d like to not remember. You start talking to multiple strangers. You suddenly feel no more like the introvert you used to be(if you were one, that is) and suddenly want to talk to as many people as you can and ask them about their life stories( okay no, not really.) You just want to expand your social circle all of a sudden.
7. Lying about Your Whereabouts to Your Parents
You’re going to hang out with that little John that your parents asked you not to hang out with but no, you’re absolutely going to meet him again, but you’re going to lie to your parents that you’re at Karen’s house learning how to do some math. Yes, we’ve all done that.
8. Trying to maintain a journal
We’ve all seen a friend maintain a journal about her life everyday, or we’ve watched movies based on real-life journals that actually inspire us to start writing one, too. We start writing one, no problem. We start out fine but in a few days (or hours or minutes) we just abandon the journal and get too lethargic to continue writing that.
9. Emotions
We have those days(or mostly nights) when we’re just almost rolled up into a ball on our beds and lying there and thinking about the purpose of our lives. Then you realize you haven’t really done anything worthwhile yet and you start crying about the most random of things. Dark chocolate or white chocolate sometimes help you get through your emotional phase, but after sometime, you’re back to square one.
10. Trying food whose names you can’t pronounce
You’re always up to trying new things and exploring into the same everyday. Every time you walk into a restaurant, you wish to get a little adventurous and you order for food that you’ve probably never heard of before or can’t pronounce. If you don’t do this, it really is time for you to start. You end up getting acquainted with a few nice dishes sometimes. It’s always fun and good to explore.
11. Gossip
Admit it, you always want to know what’s hot in town. You always want to know what Peter is up to and who Sam is dating right now. Being absolutely critical of someone based on their appearances and passing judgement about the same is also inevitable, isn’t it? Oh, us teenagers!
12. Addictions
There are a lot of things we try out of curiosity but some that we get hooked onto. It could be addictions to coffee, reading, music, or even drugs and alcohol and the like. Not all addictions are healthy and we must use our personal discretion for the same.
All in all, these are some things that all of us face mostly when we’re teenagers. The teenage years are undoubtedly one of the best years of our lives, and we must make the most out of them in a healthy fashion!
Divya is an enthusiastic blogger and speaker. She is constantly looking for new interests to explore into. She currently lives in Bangalore, India.