15 Things You Might Know if You Have Strict Parents

Icy Media
6 min readMay 20, 2020


Family is an integral part of life. Our parents hold our hands through all the stages of our lives and help us cross obstacles all big and small. However, there are some things we must do ourselves, like grow up!!

Growing up is tough. There is a lot that you need to handle, including parents who do not seem to understand you, ever. We all know those times when we have not been loved as we should have and not been understood as we should have. No matter what, if you have strict parents, then these 15 points you would definitely relate to.

1. Convincing Before Fun

*you need to go out*

1 week of rehearsal to ask for permission.

5 days of pleading, begging, crying, household chores and being the ideal child.

Final Outcome: “NO” (cause ‘you are still way too young”)

2. No Sleepovers

Sleepovers for children with strict parents are like a treasure being guarded by a ferocious dragon. They always remain a wish that cannot be fulfilled, at least with the consent of your parents. And if somehow, because of god’s grace, you are allowed to go, you must submit proper paperwork of your friends, their families, their neighbours, pets and distant relatives.

3. “Keep your Phone aside”

You may study for a whole day; yet, your parents will manage to coordinate your room’s visit with the time you pick up your phone. Also, say goodbye to your phone during exams. The cause behind everything wrong is your phone. Did you feel an earthquake? “It was because you’re always on that damn phone.”

4. 2 am calls? Caught you!

If you ever thought that you can pick up your phone and call your best friend at 2 am to discuss your life just like they do in movies, then you might definitely be dreaming. These instances only exist (*Taylor swift voice*) in your wildest dreams…Ahhaaa.

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5. “98% ONLY?”

You: Yay!! I got 98%

Parents: Only 98? Agrawal Ji’s son got 99!

No matter how much you study, it will always end up being less than ‘someone’ on the planet. Your life is just one long story of trying to compete with Einstein, your intelligent cousins or some random uncle’s child.

6. 20 miss calls in 1 minute

So you did not pick their calls for 5 minutes? Ha-ha. Great. Now you will face the burning wrath of your parents because they will call all your friends in these 5 minutes. You will also be scolded for not calling back within a millisecond cause; you might’ve been kidnapped or murdered right? (PLEASE STOP WATCHING CRIME PATROL MOM AND DAD!)

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source: teen[/caption]

7. Questions, questions, questions.

“What are you doing?”

“Where are you going?”

“When will you be back?”

“Who are you going with?”

“Are you talking to a boy/girl?”

“Where are you now?”

“Why are you smiling at your phone?”

And just when you think they’re done with their questions, they will come up with something else, like your dying grades, or how your phone is the cause of a global pandemic.

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source: buzzfeed[/caption]

8. Fake Facebook profile

Admit it. You have made a fake Face book or Instagram profile. And the first thing you’ve done is block all your relatives, cousins and neighbours, including your parents so that they cannot snoop on you. Cause we all know, we’re toast if we’re found on social media.

9. Your friends become accustomed to your absence

After your everyday excuses and weekly arguments, your friends too stop inviting you for hangouts because everyone knows what your “I’ll ask my mom” means. But, you can join in by seeing their stories and posts on Instagram right??? (*muffled crying*).

10.NO means NO. End of Discussion

You: Can I get a Mac?

Parents: No.

You: Why?

Parents: Because we’re your parents and we said so.


You can cry all you want, this isn’t gonna change. Why? CAUSE THEY’RE THE PARENTS!! (Is this a threat to Kim Jong Un’s dictatorship? YES!)

11. Coz you will always be a child

You cannot step out of the house or spend your money or pick your clothes without their permission. Because whether you are 2 or 22, you will always remain a child for them. But do you know the time you’re an adult? It’s when you are assigned some household chores!!! (age is just a number guys….its subjective in reality)

12. Normal conversations- Are you kidding?

You crack a joke, share a story, ask for permission or narrate an incident; everything would turn out be a reason for a never-ending lecture! This matter is so serious that you will renounce jokes for the rest of your life. I wish I was kidding.

13. Deadlines

“Be back before the street lights turn on”

“Sleep before 12 am”

“Wake up before 7 am”

In the end, you get so used to these deadlines that not having them throws your life into chaos and drives you into chasms of insanity. #PersonalExperience

14. The wizard of lies

So after all this, you finally learn how to lie so as to miss on the constant nagging. Your friends often come to you when they need excuses cause you’re just a semester away from your PhD in lies!!

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source: tumblr[/caption]

15. Not even an ounce of privacy

Have you ever heard of LADY PRIVACY? Yeah. I’ve also only heard of her in fables and made up stories. Your parents will just open the room to your door and leave. Why? Cause it’s house and there exists no privacy in this oligarchic vicinity. They’ll look through your stuff, snoop through your phones and never let you lock doors. All this because, “What is it that you want to hide from your parents??!!”

16. But Still……

No matter how strict they are, or how much they seem to dictate your life, you know that you cannot stop loving them. And you know that they love and cherish you just same. They might never be your friends, but they will be with you forever, right beside you, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. ah, how sweet is the parent-child relationship…

Source: https://www.icytales.com/15-things-you-might-know-if-you-have-strict-parents/



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