Friend group- a group of crack heads of varying degrees coming together for the shared use of a single brain cell for functioning in the society.
Friends are our partners in crime, our grief and happiness sharing squad and the most important people in our lives. With them, life is a rollercoaster which makes you throw up. But without them, life is like riding a see-saw; ALONE.
Whether your group is made up of four, seven, ten or fifteen members, there would always be some of the following (one friend can also possess more than one personality trait) who will be in your group, adding the much-required colour and excitement in your lives!
- Mr./Ms. Heartbroken
These are the people who have not known love without heartbreak. Their Juliet has died, and they have no access to poison (jk. Don’t die, guys). You can often find them plucking petals off of flowers and going-“they love me, they love me not”. Sitting near them is a sin for they will sing heartbreak songs till your heart bleeds tears. They can be spotted always talking about love and giving advice to others….. (love is a fraud bro..).
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- The Love Bird
Do you think you have achieved peak socialization skills? Wait till the love birds come along and make you uneasy in your own space. Always holding hands and smiling, these creatures are quite easy to spot. But, beware because their baby talk will make you want to jump off a cliff. They post no pictures without their significant other and ‘#goals’ is a must in the captions. The Mr./ms. Heartbreak is a little jealous of them but nevertheless supports them (at least till when they’re not making predictions about their separation….).
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- The Enlightening Buddha
They are the peacemakers, the saint in a battlefield, the flower in a desert. They calmly battle through all the fights and finally put forth a final decision. They do not really aspire to be a leader, but soon enough they end up leading the group. They can often be spotted with a robin Sharma book or a biography of a famous/enlightened person.
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- The phone addict
Armed with their battery bank and earphones, these evolved species of humans seems to have fused with their phone. Clash of Clans, Whatsapp, Facebook, Music player, and Retrica define their life. Clicking selfies, listening EDM and achieving new high scores is their sole purpose. They might be sitting in their group of friends but would be texting some other (irony!). however, these tech gurus will happily assist you in buying new phones or accessories, tell you cheat codes for games and even find you links to free music and movies online!!! (partners in crime? Pretty much)
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- The Anti- Gatsby
The day you all go out for party would be the day when they would forget their wallet home, the day you bring your car is the day when they would be in a need to take their girlfriend for a drive. They would always ask for a favour, but the day you ask a return, they would run out of their pocket money. Even though they are the ones with empty pockets, they do have hearts full of love!!! (wish we could pay our bills with love man…).
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- The PJ Master
It seems like these fellows are always in search of a serious situation, cause that is when they shine! Whenever you are in a grave situation, they will crack a joke and the situation will become graver! They will crack jokes that are so bad that you will want to kill them but end up laughing.
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source: gifsgallery[/caption]
- The Planner
The mom of the group, they won’t rest unless the whole operation is properly planned and decided upon. Whether you are planning a trip to Leh/Laddhak or one to the nearest café, they are the one who will plan everything right from the budget to the date and time.
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source: photobucket[/caption]
- The one you don’t like
There is always this one person in the group who always remains an acquaintance. You see them, pass a fake smile, start a cool conversation but no matter how hard you try to resist, in the back of your mind you would feel like picking a hammer and ripping their heads off! They might not have done anything to make you feel this way (or maybe they did), but the repulsion seems natural and instant.
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- The risk taker
When God made these special people, he forgot to put a little thing inside them, ‘survival instinct’. Even a mere mention of (life-threatening) activities like paragliding, scuba diving and any other adventure sport would get their adrenaline rushing. They are the ones who are usually seen arguing with the teacher, bunking classes in spite of having low attendance, and who finally go on to become the studs in the group.
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source: glamourmagazine[/caption]
- The spoilsport
They are often addressed by Mr India of the group. Plan a trip, they will say yes, and right on the day of the plan, their cat will die. they will not only refuse to show up on the meetup, but they will also cry during the whole planning process and try to sabotage the plan.
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- The nerd
Because of the existence of these humans in your group, your group can complete their work on time. You can rely on them for correct answers for your assignments and copy them without any mental exhaustion ( and people say school is hard.). They are the teacher’s pet who makes notes and submits all work before the deadline. An hour with them would remind you of all the pending assignments, the upcoming class tests and all the projects that have been assigned.
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source: Tumblr[/caption]
- The Radio
Why pay for Spotify when you’ve got your own, human radio? They will not only tell you good and great songs, but they will also bring you news from all corners of the world! (Just saying, but, Spotify could never…..) They will constantly babble about the classes, their friends, the weather, their partner, their outfit, your outfit, and the list goes on and on.
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- The Soul Sister
There would always be one person in the group who would be your alter ego. You will confide in them, love them, fight for them and will call them your Best Friend Forever. a day without them is boring and when you meet them after a long time, you’re just brimming with things to tell them about.
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source: buzzfeed[/caption]
- The Terrified Kid
So are you planning to go to mass bunk a lecture? This terrified friend would try to convince everyone to change the plan. Even after reaching the threshold of their teenage, these friends would always seek in the permission of their parents to even step out of their home. (If you’re one of them, Joan of Arc is disappointed in you)
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- The Gobbler
This friend would be always looking for a party and would never turn down an offer for a free treat. They would eat till they drop and would make most of the people in the group conscious with their diet. For once, they will give you a share of their property, but food? Don’t even think about it.
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source: indipepper[/caption]
Author’s Bio:
Neha Jain is a young and dynamic content writer who lives in Delhi. She has always been an ardent reader
and has been a ghostwriter of a myriad of contents that have been a part of the World Wide Web.