Life is unpredictable, life is too fast.
There are so many things to do in life and we must live each day with a purpose. There are lot of things in our life which we end up not doing.
The world is an incredible place and you are given only one chance, so you must make sure that you experience each and everything you want in your life. There are few things that truly make you happy. You must go ahead and enjoy those things.
So, here are 20 things you must do before you die.
1. Donate Blood
It is one of the noblest and greatest donations a man can make. It can ensure the return of a dying man again into the light of life. Stop thinking, start donating.
2. Volunteer for a social cause
It will allow you to get involved with new things and develop technical, social skills. It makes you give back and help others. when you realize that someone is smiling today and you are the reason behind that, that is the most precious thing one could ever feel in their entire life.
3. Try yoga
Yoga! Why not? It make us fit and fine.
4. Live alone
Living alone is a great experience and full of fun. You can do whatever you want to do, but most of all, you learn a lot about yourself, that you probably never imagined.
5. Run a marathon
It is a long distance race, not so easy. It requires a lot of training and hard work. Race, just like us ticking every goals, everyday. Running with a lot of people, irrespective of the age, getting tired, but just reaching that end point is a goal itself, you do not need to come first, but the fact that you participated and achieved something, not alone but with a whole bunch of unknown people, surely boosts yourself for everyday journey.
6. Learn a new language
Learning a new language is never so easy. It will increase your concentration power and will give you a great experience.One of the many things that you should learn,learning a foreign language is one of them. Try to learn on your own or take classes for the language that you are interested about. After you start speaking or be able to write it, you will feel lesser inadequate about yourself, that works as a different kind of motivation, altogether.
7. Learn to cook
Yes cooking, so that you can cook something for yourself whenever you feel hungry. One of the very first time, we felt that we have grown up, is the time when we cooked for ourselves. If you still do not know how to cook, learn from internet and make yourself something small at first, then go for bigger recipes. To cook on your own and feed your stomach, is an achievement itself.
8. Spend an entire day in bed
Do nothing. Just stay in bed and make yourself stress free. Just lead the life of a clinomaniac for a day, sleep, eat, take a nap, sleep. After a time you will certainly feel bored, in our daily lives we beg for rest for an entire day. But to stay on the bed for an entire day is extremely boring, as boring as peace for a longer time.
9. Learn to play instrument
If you wanted to learn piano, guitar, etc. Go ahead. Playing an instrument gives you a sense of achievement that nothing else can do. Once you hit the right tune of your favourite song, that smile on your face, that is the achievement. It reduces stress and helps you socialize as well. So, if you haven’t played an instrument yet, try one that you thought of.
10. Travel solo
It will teach you a lot about yourself. And you will also meet a lot of people and have a lot of unique experience. Solo travelling may sound scary but that is one thing which will give you a lifetime experience. You will feel independent, confident, and most of all, yourself. That is the motto of solo travelling. The way you discover places, people and yourself alone, in between strangers, is something that you will never forget.
11. Spend time with your grand parents
It makes your grand parents happy. So, why not make them happy. Something that we all forget as we grow up, those stories about our parents and those chocolates for every win, we get busy and forget these pillars of us. They feel happy when they get to talk and express themselves. Always try to make them happy and spend as much time as you can, with your grandparents.
12. Go up on stage
Whatever you want to do just go and do, getting up there makes you get rid of your stage fear. Glossophobia, today’s youth suffer glossophobia on a different level. We have only one thing to blame, the social media, nowadays we all are textrovert, it is easy for us to express ourselves without facing that situation or the person, which we all know shows how weak and vulnerable we are. Try to get up on stage, feel the spotlight and every one staring at you for once, just the time you will realize that some are judging your performance and some are appreciating it. You will eventually focus on the bright side, the appreciation.
13. Experience nature
Take a break and go to experience the nature. It will give you a great feeling. Experiencing nature is one thing that each and every human being love, since it gives us the opportunity to understand our own true self, forgetting the busy schedule of our daily lives. We do not have much time, if you see our daily routine, but whenever you get a chance or take out time, try to keep yourself close to nature.
14. Keep a pet
Having a pet is great. They will become your friend and will teach you some of the best lessons of life. To have the feeling of taking care of somebody you would love more than yourself is amazing, and the fact that your pet will love you as much as you love them, is adorable.
15. Go for an adventure trip or a sport
Adventure means something out of your comfort zone and it is a great experience. Something that you fear, situation that you do not want to be in, try it. Life is a journey of adventure, which gives you every opportunity to know yourself a bit better than yesterday.
16. Karaoke
Karaoke is an awesome thing to do. Is it possible that you will sing in a public platform or in front of your family without being embarrassed, no, right? But it is possible in Karaoke, it is mainly for the people who loves to sing but do not have a voice to perform on stage in front of thousands of people. Just take hold of the mic, and sing your heart out, trust me, no one will be there to judge you. You will feel yourself to the fullest. Try it out someday.
17. Google yourself
Try to find yourself on Google. This is something we all do once in our lives, but hey, if you haven’t, try now. If you are on Instagram or Twitter, just type @yourusername, and there you go.
18. Swim in the ocean
It is impressive but not everyone has that opportunity. If you ever get an opportunity to be in the ocean and feel its vastness yourself, do not miss it.
19. Stay awake for 24 hours
It is worth being awake for 24 hours. Yes, it is something unusual but one should try it before they die. Doing something different than others that is all we want, right? When everybody sleeps at night, just make yourself a cup of coffee and study or read that book you love, for the third time, try to write about that incident which you will never forget or draw those eyes that you find difficult, in absolute peace. You will realize that you can have peace even if you are awake.
20. Stargaze all night
There is something about about staring into outer space. This can be one of the most beautiful experience of your life. To look at the sky at night and see immense amount of stars above us makes us wonder how beautiful sky and our life is. We want to, but we can never count the number of stars. If you want to realize how small you are and how vast the universe is, just look stare at the sky on a starry night.
Author Bio
I am a student of Delhi University. I like reading ,writing and fine arts. I also like to play with musical instruments.