5 Habits To Get Away With To Succeed In Life.

Icy Media
7 min readJun 11, 2020


Every person has their own set of goals and dreams. No matter how different they are from one another, it starts with certain planning and discipline. Trying to mould our lifestyle, habits and mind to achieve our goal is necessary. Nothing in the world comes easy. You have to be dedicated to your passion, work or whatever you want to attain. Seekers are finders, as one seeks, they will find a way to change their dreams into reality.

It is inevitable that what we have to do, we have to do it alone. We have to do it on our own. We need to have a clear goal and self-motivation to reach there. It is also possible that sometimes we deviate from our goals and give up. Why do we give up? What are the qualities or habits that grow within us, more than our passion and affect us so much? Without such habits, we will get stuck in one place and will not be able to move ahead.

Here are the 5 habits to escape from, to succeed in life:

1) Habits : Fear- Lose it!

Among seven deadly sins, one should be this. At least then people will stop getting scared about almost everything. Right from having nothing, to getting a lottery, everything is fearful to them. The place where this fight starts, exists in our minds. It is absolutely crazy when you realize the pattern of fear and grief creeping into our thoughts and mind. We have to stop fearing about the results, rather focus on what we are doing. Rest is to be left, that someone or something which is not under our control.

Fear is like a chain around the neck. You can only move as far as the chain lets you. In other words, it is caged freedom. Fear for things will never let you take full breaths, rather not even half breaths. It is true that eliminating all kinds of fear in life is impossible, but you can try and overcome some of your fears. Only then will you realize that beyond those fears lies victory. In order to be successful in life, you have to necessarily overcome a few of those fears. After that, you will realize that, between your dreams and your achievements, fear was the most difficult barrier which was stopping you from being successful.

2) Habits: Mind- Train it, mind your mind

Our mind is the master and servant to us. It depends on us how we train it. We need to understand whether we want our mind to control us, or us to control the mind. It is sometimes a hell lot of trouble trying to quiet your thoughts. They keep wandering. They make you nervous, but really it is our minds which makes our external situations way to difficult to cope up. AH! It is not really a good idea for success. Train your mind when it wanders, when you feel you are losing control. Take your mind where you want to see yourself to be at.

The mind can be compared to an animal, wild and untamed. So your actions are pretty much out of your control. Only discipline and training can tame your mind and return the reins of the remote of your mind, to your hands. In simplest words, if you have control over your mind, you can almost achieve anything and everything. If you are clear in your mind about doing something and settle for it, no one and nothing can stop you. If you think you cannot do something, then nothing can make you do it. That is the power of your mind. So if you want to achieve success in something, just set your mind to it, and keep trying till you do not make it.

3) Habits: Negativity & Nagging- Dump it

Being negative is a human tendency to give excuses to oneself not to try harder. Complaining so far has fetched you unpleasantness and withdrawal of peace. The more both of these you consume, the more you screw up everything. It is such a deep pit that once you go in, you cannot really come back clean. You should omit negativity around you. Whenever you get negative thoughts or feelings, transcend immediately into a positive space so that you can find a getaway to optimism sooner or later.

Negative thoughts are like poison to the mind. It does no good, rather messes up the mind and ruins things. It is impossible to stay away from all kinds of negativity but we should try our best to stay away from such a toxic aura. Remember, negativity does not get you to places, optimism does! Hence, if you want to achieve something in life, be optimistic but a realist. Keep your hopes high and keep fighting for what you want. Optimism is like the fuel which drives you towards your goal. Pessimism only pulls you back from fully achieving your dreams.

4) Habits: Negligence- Never think about it

Negligence is a ferocious act that one can make in their path to success. It is not only making mistakes but also giving up thinking it does not need much attention. People can be ignorant and adamant, but not negligent. With negligence, one proves their lack of dedication towards their destination.

Negligence is like a tyre puncture of a running car. It stops you in your tracks and you cannot reach the endpoint. Negligence in your work slides you away from your goal and makes it difficult to achieve success. In order to be successful, one cannot be reckless and irresponsible. One needs to be mature and responsible enough to be able to do, what has to be done. You cannot let important things slip away from your mind.

5) Habits: Emotions- Do not get entangled too much

Success or failure, it is in our hands mostly. Sometimes we fall, yet we get up. If we get carried away by failure it will lead to depression, if we get carried away by success, pride sneaks in. Have value for both. Appreciate both to learn and yearn.

Too much emotion into work can cause problems and can keep you away from success. That also does not mean that you should work like a robot in order to be successful. Emotions should be kept in check when you want to achieve something. Keeping work different from the rest would be a good idea to start with. That is how you can keep your emotions getting entangled with your work towards success. Failure and success should never be treated with extreme emotions as they both are poisonous for the mind. Failure comes with lessons and that is what you should take away from it. Success comes with expectations and sets a standard. You should never fly off the ground while soaring high up in the sky. Both are important for growth.

By avoiding these 5 habits, which most of us are habituated to, we can assure 100% success in 30 days, as it is not a product we are selling in the market. At least, one can definitely see what the flaws in their preparations are, and can move closer to their dreams. Every path is tough but not impossible, in the end, it is worth it. Success can sometimes be easy but most of the time it is very difficult to be successful. Failures should be treated as stepping stones and that is how one can walk up the staircase to success. Most things do not come easy. Life is a rollercoaster ride, you should enjoy and learn from the ups and downs.

Do let us know below, if you want to add another habit that you feel, one should do away with to be successful in life. Keep working hard, and we wish for you that you are successful in your future endeavours.

Author bio :

Madhuri Naidu

Writing is my passion and motivation as it inspires my own soul as well as others. Poet by heart. Blogger & avid reader. Woman with Wanderlust.

Source: https://www.icytales.com/5-habits-to-get-away-with-to-succeed-in-life/



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