If you thought seduction was a tale of today, you’re wrong. The art of seduction is not a new phenomenon to humankind. From the time women found that the world functioned on the patriarchal side, they have using certain “skills” to simply get what they want. These skills included maintaining their beauty and body in expensive and sometimes insane ways. Also these sirens had a sure shot way, of getting into the hearts (or pants) of men they desire by some gutsy gestures. Here is a look at our list of top 5 seductresses in history!
Siren №1: Cleopatra
Renowned as “the hot chick” of the bygone era, Cleopatra dedicated her whole life to the art of seduction. She was such an accomplished seductress that the powerful Roman emperor Caesar and the Roman minister, Mark Anthony, found themselves falling head over heels for her.
Cleopatra was an Egyptian pharaoh, who was born in 69 BC did not even let the birth of four children hinder her beauty. Once she chose her target, she would carefully plan and put in some daring moves to get the man’s attention. She is known for her audacious way in which she met Ceasar. She rolled herself in carpet and had it delivered to Ceasar by her personal assistant! Cleopatra is also known for enslaving men as servant and also for sexual favours! What a swag!
Siren №2: Visha Kanyas or Poison Maidens of India
Now this is not just a girl or a woman in the field of seduction. An entire establishment, during the time of Mauryan dynasty functioned to making beautiful ladies who would help in the silent yet effective destruction of the enemies. These maidens were separated and selected right from childhood, taken through vigorous training which would not only make them immune to most poisons, but be an effective carrier of them as well.
In Chanakya’s Arthashastra, the essential need and usage of these maidens are mentioned in detail. There are instances in history where these women skilfully seduce emperors and ministers, take them to personal chambers and kill them without any hassle! Well, here are some women you should beware of!
Siren №3: Messalina
Valeria Messalina was the wife of Roman emperor Claudius who was reputed having an insatiable sexual desire. She was a predator in all honesty, who used to stalk men behind her husband’s back and had as many as 25 known affairs. Apart from this whenever her husband is off on a conquest, she would visit brothel houses and willingly offer herself.
Messalina is known to have affairs with her husband’s ministers, guards and even servants. But unfortunately for her one time she was found and executed by the King’s relatives. That was the end of her sass!
Siren №4: Catherine the Great
Yekaterina Alexeyevna or Catherine II also known as Catherine the Great who ruled Russia around 1760s was a renowned and longest ruling empress who also had profound skills in hunting men! She had a known amouors appetite that called for strong men to satiate. Her interest in these men stayed only so long as her interest in them remained. But she was also polite enough to send them off with titles, land or gifts of any kind! What a courteous seductress!
Siren №5: Mata Hari
Yikes! Her name itself sends shivers through ones nerves doesn’t it? Mata Hari was a renowned dancer and spy known for her provocative and alluring moves. It is said that anyone who watches her dance would be panting with need in a few seconds!
Although a Dutch by birth, she was captured and used by Germans in World War I as a spy code-named H-21 to get secrets from the enemy. She successfully captured high ranking officials in her trap too. Sadly though she was caught in one of her missions and executed by the French! Talk about dancing your way in!
So there you have it folks. Some of the hottest and skilful seductresses in the history, who found themselves a place through sheer skill and nerve!
End of matter/
Sanjana Keshavdas
Source: https://www.icytales.com/seduction-the-top-5-seductresses-of-history/