India is one amongst the few countries where science gets the respect it deserves. With its love for science, it has not only emerged as a world-class supplier of dedicated engineers,doctors, researchers and physicists who are providing services to every possible country you can name but also has emerged with unparallel growth. Here is a list of ten extra-ordinary achievements of India in science that is enough to bring funk out of the leading power-holding nation.
- Neutrino Research-
This is a fundamental naturally occurring particle, feable and chargeless. It has a significant role to play in nuclear proliferation, acting as a ‘catalyst’ to generate nuclear bombs. In the times to come, it can be used in developing early disaster warning system, especially for earthquakes while the present systems still lack in efficiency. Also, it can help astronauts finding extra-terrestrial life. Interestingly, India was the first country to start neutrino based research in the very first decade of it’s gaining independence when the rest of the world was still busy giving theories about it! Under INO Project approved by Modi government, which is the most ambitious and expensive project till date, India will become the first country to have neutrino-based technology- a tag most aspired. This is an achievement of India in science that cannot be ignored.
2. Brahmos
This is the supersonic cruise missile for you. It can travel with a speed three times that of sound and equipped with ‘fire and forget’ technology, a name for inbuilt self guiding system that enables it to hit the target even with varying speed and direction. Isn’t that smart? To sum up, this is the most advanced missile in the world . And yes, it’s us who own it!
3. Indian Space Research Organization-
ISRO is the primary space agency of India where the structuring of all programmes is carried. Established in 1969, it has achieved several milestones since then. In the decade of 70s when our scientists are working day and night to develop and design rockets in the worst condition possible-no foreign assistance, least financial help, +40 degree temperature and no infrastructure, NASA had already marked APOLLO on Moon. But with Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan , ISRO has given outstanding performance in a short span of time. Thanks to great scientists and their vision. :)
4. INS-Arihant-
This is a nuclear powered missile submarine, first to be built outside 5 recognized nuclear powers-USA, China, Russia, France & UK. once operational, it will make a strategic milestone as well- placing India in the list of nuclear triad countries, with the capacity to launch nuclear weapon from air, water and land. India will be third country in the world after US and Russia and first in Asia to be in the list.
5. Agni-5 -
This is another superb missile indigenously developed with a pin- point accuracy and potential to hit the target upto 8000 km away!! Breathtaking, isn’t? With this, India has brought it’s powerful enemy, China under it’s target range.
6.Indian Remote Sensing Satellite System-
IRSSS is the largest network of satellites working both for civilian and military purposes. It has a large network of 11 operational satellites. The image received through them are of high resolution and contribute 35% to international market.
7. Tsunami Early Warning System-
This is an indigenous warning system developed in 2004 after fateful Tsunami, where more than 230,000 people lost their life and property. It has 25 seismographic stations. It is providing information to 26 national tsunami information centers . It can detect disturbances in the whole indian ocean within 10 minutes of it’s occurrence and disseminate the advisories within 20 minutes. Also, it’s is the largest warning network operational at global level.
8.Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-
A’ vehicle’ is a platform that helps to launch a satellite in it’s respective orbit. It has a superb reliability. It has a record of launching maximum satellites in a single flight. With it’s powerful multi-mission capability, it has received the status of ‘workhouse of ISRO’. It has made successful launches for Indonesia, Argentina, Italy and France.
9.Fast Breeder Reactor-
This acquire the second stage of Nuclear Power Programme of India, generating power through nuclear fission. The one of it’s kind, it generates more power than consumes. India is second to produce Fast Breeder Reactors after Russia, leaving behind China and US.
10. Thorium: the future fuel -
This lesser known member of radioactive series is the best possible future solution and would-be technology to meet rising energy demands. The amount of Thorium reserve in the world is more than that of petroleum, coal, fossil fuels and uranium combined together! India posses 1/4th of total Thorium deposits though we barely have 1% of uranium used as fuel currently. With this, the opportunity for India to pursue it’s existing nuclear programme with special focus on research and development on Thorium route is high .
The power of science is mighty and the future of India lies in harnessing it in a smart and efficient manner. No doubt, in the times to come, India will be a leading nation in the field of science and an inspiration to the world.